Drive Revenue Your Way

With Badger Maps, sales and field service reps optimise routes, gain real-time visibility into their efforts, and automate mundane tasks, putting them back in the driver’s seat of their sales success.

Brought to you in the APJ region by First In Field.

Mileage that Matters

Focus on the Right Customers

Create routes fast & easily around your best opportunities.

  • Create filters on what you know about your customers (i.e priority, type, next step, etc.)
  • Colorize and filter your Accounts to see only the ones that matter to you.
  • Mass update any details or create new filters at any moment.

Optimise Your Routes

Don’t zig-zag around your territory, work it efficiently.

  • Plan your days and weeks with optimised routes that make sense
  • Save 20% on your mileage,  meet 20% more prospects
  • Add 120 stops per trip
Results: Save 8 hours a week of driving and see up to 10 more customers per week.

Gather Data Right from the Field

Get better data and insights into sales activities in the field.

  • Create custom check-ins with photos with the exact data you want to collect while on the go
  • Automatically populate your CRM with this data from the field
  • Filter your Accounts by the last time you interacted with them
  • Get verified check-ins, ensuring reps are checking in from the field

Find New Leads

Find new opportunities around the corner, and always have a backup plan after a cancelled  meeting.

  • Find new leads from Badger around you. Add these leads to your current route or save them as Accounts.
  • Save your searches to redo them easily in different areas.
  • Get updated data about nearby businesses you can sell to.

Generate Smart Reports

Be aware every sale stage and never miss an opportunity.

  • Automatically receive weekly reports on the activity from the field with all the check-ins that have been created in that period.
  • Generate customised reports at any moment.
  • Capture the location of where check-ins occurred and get automated reports comparing that with where the meeting was located.

Teams Driving Success with Badger Maps

Drive Revenue Like They Have


...less daily drive drive time by the NCR Aloha team with route optimisation.

8 hrs

...of increased selling time a week per rep at Sunset Industrial Parts.


...weekly meetings per rep, compared to the old 12, leading to a 22% increase in annual revenue for Cutter & Buck.

5 mins how fast reps at Cargill plot their routes, whereas before it would take 30-40 minutes.

Badger Maps is Powered by First In Field in APJ

Unlock exclusive offers and discounts on Badger Maps, available only through First In Field, your official partner in the APJ region.

We provide dedicated implementation support, migrations, user adoption guidance, and training – ensuring a smooth transition for your teams.

We complement Badger Map’s global support with tailored and in-timezone guidance to help you achieve your goals.

We offer post-implementation support packages for continuous optimisation of Badger Map’s use.